Category: Hanga | Create

Early and Modern Mode of Transport

LI: To correctly draw and label a diagram. 

Today we were looking at the change of early and the modern mode of transport.

We labeled the different parts of one of the land, sea, rail, and air. We also chose to do one of which were the interior, outside, or the engine.  Give each example for the differences between the two.

I found this task quite dificult because during the task it was quite hard drawing the cars.

An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was that there were more futuristic features on transportations now a days

Evolution of Transportation

LI: To identify how technology has changed when we consider how it was fit for purpose.

Today we were looking at the change of technology. Over the past 100 years, technology has changed in order to make things easier. This is called fit for purpose. Transportation devices have become more convenient compared to their initial design.

I found this task intriguing because it was interesting listing the differences from over 100 years ago.

An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was that most cars were far slower than current cars.

Paper Airplane & Measurement

LI: To design and make a paper plane that will fly the furthest.


Our team challenge was to make paper planes that could fly the furthest whilt also keeping record on how many meters it had flown.

We analysed our data of the paper air planes we flew. The planes we designed were: Range Flying Plane, Paper Jet, Peper Plane 3000 & F 14 Plane

Our group designed multiple planes to verify which of the planes flew the best. The plane that went the furthest was the F 14 Plane.

Lastly we versed group by group and measured the flight distance accurately. 

I found this task fun because we could compete with other groups to see who had flown the furthest

Film Festival

Today my school attended a small event at Hoyts Cinema which was in Sylvia Park.

There were multiple schools there and we all watched eachothers short films.

My favourite short film was made by Tamaki College which was about their “Tamaki College Talent Show”

We all had buddys that we had to take care of whilst holding their hands and making sure they dont dislocate from us.

I really enjoyed watching all of the schools different films.

PB4L – Positive Attitude Poster

Todays PB4L lesson was all about positive attitudes.

We created posters with encouraging quotes using canva.

To me having a positive attitude towards your learning is important since it can help you in many different ways. Here are some quotes that I have think are important and that I think can help you stay positive. Stay positive becuase better days are on their way.

You are better than you believe, stronger than you seem and, smarter than you think. Never stop believing because believing is achieving.

Remember to always stay positive because better days will be on their way to you soon.

RFE Poster (International Literacy Day)

LI: To raise awareness of international literacy day.

The 8th of September is when we learn about International Literacy Day where everyone around the world celebrates that occasion and takes their time to acknowledge literacy.

Being able to read and write is a huge privilege and we should always appreciate that we got the opportunity to learn those skills.

Literacy is apart of our lives, word knowledge and creates opportunities for people to develop skills that will help them provide for themselves and their family.

International Literacy Day is today, so what we did to celebrate was  creating our own posters using canve to inform the importantce of reading for enoyment.

Reading daily increases your vocabulary, it also helps improve with your focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills.

I enjoyed this because it learnt that there was such a day called “International Literacy Day”

Always remember that its also important and good to read.

Queen Elizabeth II

LI: to research the reign of the Royal Family.

Today we have been looking at the history of Queen Elizabeth II.

We thought of questions that we had in mind, to research about and get more information into the Royal family. We did all this research to give respect to our well honoured Queen who has been in the longest reigning monarch for Britain. Each group looked at her background, example: at what year or age she became the Queen of England.

A new piece information I have found was that she ruled over 15+ different commonwealth countries.

I enjoyed this activity because I got to find out more about her during her lifetime.

Tongan Language Week

This week for Tongan Language Week me and my group created a DLO and Slideshow of Tongan traditions, culture and people.

We learnt many new facts about Tonga one of the most interesting facts to us was that Tonga has a disappearing and reappearing island called fonuafo’ou, interesting right?

After we had finished making our Slideshow and DLO we presented it to the whole class.

I really enjoyed this activity because I got to learn about the Tongan language and the traditional things they do. This was also a bit challenging because we were learning how to say new phrases in different languages.

Newshound -Disinformation or Misinformation

For this weeks Cybersmart session we learnt all about fake articles, mis-information, and dis-information.

Disinformation is incorrect information that has been spread all around the world, but Misinformation is incorrect information that has been spread by someone who doesn’t know it’s false and isn’t trying to do a single bit of harm.

For this weeks session me and my group took a look at a fake article made by an unknown person.  They had created a fake beauty product ad saying that Ellen DeGeneres & Sandra Bullock used and loved their product.  Ellen and Sandra later stated that they had never used, seen or endorsed the product.

Me and my group thought about whether that story was made up of disinformation or misinformation.  Our response to that story was that it was disinformation because it was misleading and false advertisement.


Following the Black Line

LI: To practice coding using binary, mBots and block code.

Today for tech we used our knowledge of binary code as well as block coding and mBots.

We made our mBot recognize color paths by coding it to have an infra-red sensor. It has two sensors that recognize the colours inside of light rays. For this lesson, we needed to be able to count to three in binary because the binary of the first sensor is 01, the second sensor is 10, and when both sensors are enabled the code is 11 as well as when both sensors are disabled the code is 00 (we need to know this for this lesson).

If both sensors are on the black line they become 00 because there are no light rays enabling the sensors. If the left sensor is on a black line and the right sensor is on a white line the code becomes 10. If the right sensors are on the black line and the left sensors are on the white line the code becomes 01. If both sensors are on a white line the code becomes 11.

When the code is 00, the mBot moves forward. When the code becomes 10, the mBot turns left. When the code becomes 01, the mBot turns right. When the code becomes 11, the mBot moves backwards until it finds a black line.