Reading for Enjoyment – Holiday Edition

For these school holidays some people in LS2 have made some RFE (Reading for Enjoyment) activities that we have chosen to do for the next 2 weeks.

Each of these activities have a point system that add up for the end of the holidays, and the top 3 people with the most points get a special prize.  Today is day 1 and so far this is the first activity I have done today, this one activity adds up to 3 points.

This is activity number 2, this activity is where you draw your favourite book character which in my case is Little Women and my favourite character is called Amy March.

One thought on “Reading for Enjoyment – Holiday Edition

  1. Talofa Ariana!

    Wow! This is great work coming from you Ariana, I really like this drawing of Amy March. It is really nice and simple but also detailed at the same time. I’m wondering, why do you think that Amy March is your favourite characters from Little Women?

    Keep up your good work Ariana!

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